Tuesday, December 29, 2009
New Ultrasound Pics
We had our big anatomy ultrasound today and things are looking great! There was some debate going into the appointment about whether to find out if it was a boy or a girl, but it turned out that the baby wasn't telling! :) the way it was positioned, the tech couldn't get a good look at the baby's bottom. It actually means that we have to have another one done in about a month so they can take a look at the lower spine.

Baby #3,
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Coming May 2010...
Well, it's been killing us to keep it a secret for this long, but...

We're expecting baby #3! Our due date is May 28th, 2010, but if past history has any bearing on it, this one will be a couple weeks early, too.
There's a debate raging between Jeremy and I regarding whether to know if it's a boy or girl ahead of time...He wants to know. I want a surprise! :)
Baby #3
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Winter Fun
We got some snow over the weekend.
We ran outside to catch the first flakes that were falling. And Olivia was so excited.
Gabe liked the snow as long as I was holding him but was not so sure when I set him down. He did like to eat it.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
The Sarine Family Christmas letter
Check out Gabe's guest post over at my in-laws blog... http://sherckle.blogspot.com/
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Olivia's fall lapbook
Pictures from our fun, fall activites. We took lots of walks to look for and enjoy the signs of fall. She did lots of jumping in the leaves but I never seem to have my camera. I think fall may be her favorite time of year just like mine. The bottom 3 pictures are of our Thanksgiving activities. She had fun acting out the first Thanksgiving. We stayed basic again this year. We referred back to her lapbook from last year. This year we were really able to talk about the idea of being thankful and help her to finally list out things that she was thankful for. Each of the leaves of the little "tree" has things she is thankful for. Some of those were, of course, family members, food, our house, her Rhyme bible, family worship, playing outside and taking walks, singing, and being healthy.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!
We really got Olivia into the Thanksgiving spirit this year. :)
We cut out a bunch of leaves and had Olivia tell us all the things she was thankful for this year. We wrote them down on the leaves and taped them to her "tree"
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Pumpkins and Other Pics
Right before Halloween, we took the kiddos to a pumpkin patch to play in the pumpkins and pick out a couple of little ones to take home.
Once a month or so, Rebecca takes the young 'uns down to Waxhaw to visit Grandma and Grandpa. This most recent trip, Olivia got to ride a horse all by herself. She was scared at first, but she decided to try it and once she got on, she had a really good time.
Picking Apples and Other Fall Fun
Well, we've got a backlog of pictures to share with everyone, so we'll try to get caught up over the next couple of posts.
Back in October, we took a day trip to the Orchard at Altapass, a non-profit apple orchard right on the Blue Ridge Parkway. We got to take a hayride and hear some great stories about the history of the area. We also took the opportunity to pick our own apples, right from the tree! At first we thought it was odd that they charged more for pick-you-own than the bags the had in the shop, but after we ate 3 right from the tree, we realized it was probably just smart business. :)
The apples were delicious and Rebecca and Olivia got to make homemade applesauce and apple butter.

Sadly, the colors weren't very good in the mountains that weekend... It had rained just a day or two before and many of the leaves had been knocked to the ground already. Fortunately, when we got back into the neighborhood, we found the colors here to be absolutely spectacular!

Back in October, we took a day trip to the Orchard at Altapass, a non-profit apple orchard right on the Blue Ridge Parkway. We got to take a hayride and hear some great stories about the history of the area. We also took the opportunity to pick our own apples, right from the tree! At first we thought it was odd that they charged more for pick-you-own than the bags the had in the shop, but after we ate 3 right from the tree, we realized it was probably just smart business. :)
The apples were delicious and Rebecca and Olivia got to make homemade applesauce and apple butter.
Sadly, the colors weren't very good in the mountains that weekend... It had rained just a day or two before and many of the leaves had been knocked to the ground already. Fortunately, when we got back into the neighborhood, we found the colors here to be absolutely spectacular!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Spider Lapbook
Much to my neverending chagrin, Olivia has become fascinated with spiders, while i cannot stand to be in the same room as one without an overwhelming desire to make it into shoe goo. Rebecca and Olivia have been reading Charlotte's Web and Olivia loves to look out our bathroom window, where a spider has set up shop and is dining happily on whatever victims come its way.

Monday, October 12, 2009
Another Celebrated Dancing Bear and O's Dance class
As part of the FIAR (Five in a Row) cirriculum that I have been incorporating into our homeschooling, Olivia and I read Another Celebrated Dancing Bear. I thought it would be good to incorporate with her own dance class. So we made a combination labbook for the book and also for her dance class. I thought it would be a good way to put down the memories of her dance class.
Another Celebrated Dancing Bear,
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