Friday, July 5, 2019

Fourth of July Fun

For the Fourth of July, we registered the three older kids in the Greensboro Fun Fourth race through downtown. The boys ran the 1-mile race and Olivia did the 5k. 

They were giving out some silly swag at some of the booths, so Ezra went nuts. 

There werent many kids in the 1-mile race, but Ezra managed to come in third.
Gabe wasn't very far behind, taking 5th. 
Olivia, however, seemed to be a bit out of shape from the long break since spring training and came in pretty late.
She was given a bit of a hard time for not being able to catch the octogenarian who came in before her.
It wasn't all about the races, tho. We did our traditional gathering with other families down at the Grim's farm in Pleasant Garden.
The paper lanterns are one of the highlights of the evening.

And of course, the fireworks!

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