While we were in Waxhaw, Rebecca wanted to take the kids down to the creek where she used to play as a child. So one afternoon, after O got done with climbing, we brought them down in their swimsuits to splash around and play in the water and explore. There were lots of small fish, frogs, even crayfish for them to find. In the end, Gabe found the most interesting creature of the day: a leech! It was stuck to his toe inside his shoe when we got back home and were cleaning up. It came right off, but the little bite it left bled for a good 20 minutes.
Olivia thought the water was chilly at first. |
The boys loved looking through the mud to see what they could find. |
Olivia and I tried corralling the fish between us, but they were too quick. |
The boys discovered how much fun it is to throw rocks. |
Ezra had no fear of getting right down in the water and splashing about. |
Really, none of the kids were... |
Though Ezra finally did realize just how dirty he was from all the mud he was slinging. |
All-in-all, it was a good time and it made us wish we has something like this that we could take advantage of more often.