Thursday, May 24, 2018

Celebration Station

The Greensboro Home Educators group organized a homeschool day at Celebration Station to celebrate the end of the school year and the start of summer. For $10 each, we got to come in and go on the rides as much as we wanted for 3 hours. Seeing as how the littles are too small for any of the rides, I took the older three for the morning.
Being so warm, the first thing they all wanted to do was hit the bumper boats. If they were learning physics (which technically, Olivia is...), it would be a great study in Newton's Laws of Motion. The boats can take a bit of getting used to to operate. They found out that they don't turn as quickly as a car or speed up or slow down very easily either.
Certainly didn't stop them from enjoying them. :)
After the boats, it was on to go karts. CS has two tracks: one for bigger folks and one for younger. Gabe and Ezra weren't old enough to drive the big karts yet, but they could ride the smaller ones. Gabe tried them once and enjoyed them, but Ezra got a real kick out of driving.
I love the tongue out in concentration. 
While he drove his laps, I was recruited to drive Gabe, as well as other younger kids, around in the big karts. Because it was a Wednesday, there were hardly any other people there, so I was able to stay on the go karts and just take various younger kids as passengers.
Olivia tried out the karts since she was big enough, but she found a few friends and they all gravitated towards the boats where they could spray each other and get wet.

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