Saturday, May 26, 2018

Happy Birthday Irene and Ezra!

My goodness time flies! 
Ezra turned 8 this year. This kid is something else... He's active, outgoing, adventurous and passionate. Sometimes that passion, though, can go the other way. He gets so worked up when things don't work or if he fails at something. Usually, with some gentle coaxing, we can get him to calm down and try again or fix what went wrong the first time. He has a huge sense of right and wrong and gets very upset when he thinks something isn't fair. He's gotten to where he's a little taller than Gabe ("Only an inch!!" Gabe would shout), so they still wear the same clothes. They very much like twins, with Gabe being a more bookish boy while Ezra is the athletic one.
Not to be outdone in the energy department, Irene turned 5! This kid is bot the light as well as the bane of my day. She is so sweet and funny, but also so mischievous that if I'm not careful, she'll drink a full bottle of maple syrup while I'm not looking. (That's not an exaggeration. She really did drink almost a hole bottle of maple syrup...) She climbs the cabinets and counters looking for sweets, steals Emma's toys, and stays up all hours of the night gigging and laughing when she's supposed to be asleep. At the same time, she loves to snuggle and be with Mama every chance she gets.
In the past, I've been the one to make elaborate (at least for me) cakes for the various birthdays based on the whims of the child, but this year, Olivia wanted to put her cake decorating skills to the test and make cupcakes for each of them, Irene chose flowers and Ezra chose spider webs like from  Spiderman.

Speaking of Spiderman, Ezra wanted to get a Spiderman comic book, so I took him to Acme Comics and picked up the Epic Collection that had the first 18 Spiderman comics all in one. I'm thinking this is going to be the new tradition for the boys for the next few years.

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