Wednesday, May 23, 2018

AHG Spring Awards

Olivia and Emma have finished their first year in American Heritage Girls!
Emma started out in the youngest group, the Pathfinders. This is the youngest of the AHG squads. She spent this year learning about AHG's values and purpose along with the creed and oath, which basically is teaching the girls to be respectful, obedient, humble, and compassionate while being a good citizen of our country and a good steward of God's creation.
She got to participate in some outreach activities like bringing cookies to fire fighters. With Rebecca as one of her leaders, she got to do all kinds of crafts and activities geared towards setting her up for her first year as a Tenderheart, where she will have to do more work and earn badges in different categories.
We are very proud of our Emma for all her hard work!
Olivia spent year as a Pioneer, which is the next-to-highest age group in AHG. These girls do a lot of heavy lifting throughout the year! They did a lot of badge work that had all kinds of requirements and electives, some of which were hands-on and some that involved doing research on a topic and teaching it to the younger squads. They had to organize different outreach events and projects, go on overnight backpacking trips, plan campouts and lots of other things. They even took turns leading the troop opening ceremonies each week and took on various leadership roles like being the Troop Photographer, writing the weekly newsletter, and sending out the weekly squad email updates.
Olivia has one more year as a Pioneer before she moves up to be a Patriot, where she will have even more responsibility, but we know she'll be amazing at it!We could not be more proud of both girls for putting in a ton of work this year and achieving so much!

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