Monday, April 29, 2013

8 Years Old!

Our little girl is growing up so fast! Olivia turned 8 last week. She is joyful and such a delight to our family. She is a wonderful big sister with a very nurturing and loving heart. She is innocent and beautiful. We are blessed parents to have her as our daughter. She loves balloons and it has become a family tradition to have balloons to wake up to. It's hard to believe how fast time flies...

Olivia was given some temporary tattoos, a badge, and a headband to identify her as the special one of the day.
It's a tradition in our home for the kids to make banners for each other on their birthday. Olivia requested hearts, flowers and other girly stuff. Ezra demanded a jet plane.

Part of her birthday celebration was going to the Airbound Trampoline Park in Winston-Salem. She brought along a few friends and had a fantastic time bouncing around for an hour or so. The place has wall-to-wall trampolines, an "under-7" bounce area, a foam pit for doing trick off the trampolines into, and a dodgeball arena. Rebecca was rather jealous that she could not bounce too, but alas...Emma and Rooney to watch and a big round belly of a baby that we want to stay in for a while longer. I had farm school and was good and didn't skip class. But I think we will all go back for some more fun another time!

Sorry about the blurry pictures. That is Olivia in the pink. The kids were moving constantly and as you can see the trampolines really had spring. They raced each other bouncing square to square down the long section of trampolines. They jumped off the walls! A kid's dream. 

Olivia, Gabe, Ezra and our friends loved taking turns bouncing  and flipping into the big foam pit. They said they couldn't touch the bottom even though they tried.

This is just a precursor to what came over the weekend... Stayed tuned for another posting on Emma's new skills/antics.  And do you see  who is in the background and what they are doing? Yes, that is Ezra climbing the rails.

Later that afternoon we headed to dinner at Red Robin per Olivia's request. We were joined by the in town family. She had also requested an angel food cake with cherries, white chocolate chips, and fondant flowers on top. 

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