Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Trouble Is Here...Emma is motivating.

Emma is the cutest, sweetest and happiest of our children. She is almost never upset and when she is, it usually lasts for just a minute or two and then it's done. However, she is our most mischievous child as well. If she's quiet, we have to find her because she's almost certainly into something she shouldn't be.
"Oooh, laundry!"
She loves to unload just about anything.
We've been encouraging her to stand and trying to get her to walk and our efforts are paying off. Like the rest of the kids, she showed little interest in walking or even crawling until after she was a year old. In the last 2 to 3 months, she has moved up to crawling rather quickly and pulling up on things and occasionally trying to stand up on her own.
She is getting the hang of "motoring" around things like the mattress or the ottomans. See the tongue out for exertion.

But probably the most significant development has been in the last week: climbing stairs. She looked at them on Saturday and decided to attempt climbing. Like a fool, I encouraged her by helping her with leg and foot placement. That very evening, she surprised me by crawling up behind me while I was working on the computer. Thankfully she doesn't try to go down yet. We have increased our watchfulness for sure.
"Watch me climb, Daddy!"

Despite her antics (or perhaps because of them...), she is almost always a very happy girl. Rebecca says that she's got me wrapped around her finger. Well, if she got any cuter, I don't think I could ever resist her. :)
Tuckered out after a long day of playing.

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