Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Granddad Baldwin's 85th Birthday

We went for a visit with Rebecca's family to celebrate her grandfather's 85th birthday. The kids just love visiting with them and Carlos is always finding new ways to entertain them. He's actually building a zipline in his back yard for them to come slide down!
Great Grandpa greeting the kids.
He showed them the trees in his back yard that were blooming.
Great Grandma getting a hug from Gabe.
Tossing a ball with Gabe
Emma and Great Grandma having a chat.
Great Grandpa being silly
The Baldwin Cousins (well, most of them anyway. Missed you, Hunter!)
There were silly party favors that entertained the kids to no end.

Emma just wanted the balloons
Well, she did want the candles, too...
We had a wonderful time, as we always do when visiting. Happy 85th, Great Grandpa! We pray for many more!

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