Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Gabe is 2 years old!

Sunday, Gabe turned 2. Its hard to believe! Sept 5th, 2 years ago was certainly a memorable day for us. We were blessed with our first little boy. He loves trucks, trains, and tractors! He is generous with smiles, kisses and keeps us laughing. He runs around with such excitement although still somewhat unsteady. He talks "up a storm" and is very serious about what he has to say. While he is gaining new words daily, we still can't understand him when he really gets to talking but you can be sure he knows what he is saying. :) He also loves balloons and cake. Well, he loves food in general! He plays hard and is "all boy" as the saying goes.

This year we celebrated his birthday over 2 days. Daddy, Olivia, and I woke him up with balloons, a couple of presents and singing happy birthday to him. So he started the day smiling for sure. :) Then in the afternoon, we headed down to my parent's house to celebrate. We went swimming, had more balloons, sang, ate cupcakes, opened more presents, went to see a large train set that ran around the top of a living room, and roasted marshmallows around a little "campfire". Monday, we continued the celebration by having dinner, opening more presents, singing and of course more cupcakes with Nana and Pop-pop. (Nana and Pop-pop have the pictures of this celebration) It was a fun birthday for sure! Gabe is exhausted tonight to prove it! :)

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