Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Homeschool Activities

We started back into our My Father's World curriculum at the end of August. Once again, we are really enjoying it!

Our bible for two weeks was on Jesus, the bread of life. And he is! He is the only thing that will truely satisfy us. All other people, things, and food will only satisfy us for a while but then the hungry will return. But that longing in each of us can be satisfied with a relationship with God! Then Jesus declared, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty. John 6:35

As usual the science lessons corresponded nicely. We did some science experiments with yeast. We also made our own modeling dough and yeast bread. To add to the fun we got to watch one of the owners of our local bakery make bread from grinding the wheat, all the way through the process to the oven. Then of course we tasted some! Olivia's favorite parts were the huge mixer and how she cut designs into the tops of the bread.

We have been reading more about colonial times. The history stories have been written from the perspective of children during that time. It has been fun and educational. One of our stories was about a boy who helped to take care of the cows that were brought over to the New World. To go with this, we watched a history channel presentation on milk from the cow to the store. We also went with some friends to the Hunter's Farm Factory for a tour. They get milk from Jersey cows off of family farms and produce milk and ice cream. Olivia loved sampling the ice cream at the end of that tour. :) Also, that week we made butter from cream. Olivia thought that shaking the jar for so long was difficult but it sure tasted good on our bread at dinner that night!

We have also been looking at the works of some great American artist from the colonial period. I blogged about one of those projects not too long ago. And of course we continue with reading, writing and math instructions. We are headed to Williamsburg, Yorktown and Jamestown next week. She will get to see some colonial life hands on. We'll post pictures of that for sure!

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