Sunday, May 5, 2019

Spring 2019 Recitals

These guys work so hard to improve at their piano and it shows!

Gabe didn't have the easiest term and has decided that he will not continue with piano lessons. He has asked to try playing the drums, which isn't exactly something we are cool with, so we are narrowing it down to playing the bells and snare drum in the High Point Homeschool Beginners Band. If he does well and works hard, we can see about going further with that...

In the meantime, we are very proud of him for sticking with piano for three years and thankful to Cathy Lamb for all her hard work and patience with him.

Olivia continues to excel at her piano studies. She going to attend UNCG's piano camp this summer, giving her a taste of college life a little early! She does so well and works so hard that we can't possibly complain about the results!

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