Saturday, May 4, 2019

Lake Townsend Hike

We took advantage of a beautiful Friday afternoon to hike along Lake Townsend. 
 Olivia needed to do some orienteering for one of her AHG badges, so as we went along, she documented every turn we made, noting the number of steps and the direction we were facing after the turn. 
 A few weeks ago, we had some storms that knocked down some major trees. the root balls were just massive!

 We saw some evidence of the beavers that live along the lake somewhere.

 The littles loved the brides that we had to cross and wanted to pose on each and every one. 

 The downed trees that fell across the trail had been cleared, but the stumps and logs were still there. This gave us the opportunity for a little science lesson. We counted the rings on one tree and looked at the spacing between them. This tree was about 75 years old and we could clearly see years when the tree grew more than others.

 Like I said, there were a lot of trees down.
 We even found some little friends along the way. 

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