Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Trail Life Fall Camping

This year, I got to take the boys (well, the girls, too) to the Trail Life Father/Son Camping Trip. Fortunately It was held at Hagan Stone Park, which we know very well and also, coincidentally had just spent 2 week camping for Sukkot. No...I don't have any pictures of that. What can I say?
 Anyhoo... We had a good turnout and the weather cooperated with us, mostly anyway.
 Gabe and Ezra set up their own tent. Because I had the girls with us, too, I parked our camper at the nearest RV site I could and stayed with them. 
 The dads cooked breakfast each morning. Lunch and dinner were an "on your own" affair. 
We had a theme of "Hitting the Mark", so one of the leaders brought a bunch of slingshots and paintballs. Another one cut targets in the shape of the patrol mascots: a mountain lion, a hawk, and a fox. He drilled a hole in each target just barely bigger than a paintball where the eye would be and told the kids to put a shot through the eye of their mascot. Of course, none of them could do it, even accidentally. This was done to illustrate that nobody is perfect and we all fall short, so that's why forgiveness is so important. 
 Everyone got in on the shooting fun, even the girls. 

Emma wasn't a half-bad shot. She just didn't have quite enough arm strength to pull the sling back very far.
 In the evenings, there was a campfire each night and the boys sat around telling stories.
They also did devotionals and played a lot of games.

It was too dark to take pictures, but one of the dads brought an amazing telescope and we were able to see things like Saturn's rings!

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