Sunday, September 30, 2018

Olivia's New Sport

After doing the spring training, Olivia has joined the Greensboro Gladiators Homeschool Cross Country Team.
Coaches Rebekah and Michelle have been pushing her hard because they see some real potential in her abilities.

Her first couple of races were hard and she took a couple of falls, but she always finished and consistently improved her times.
She even got competitive a time or two.

Her hardest meet was unquestionably the State Championships they held at Hagan Stone Park. It was a full 5k, which she hadn't done before and there were some tough hills, especially the one up to the finish line.
She did great, though, and persevered through the heat and hills and finished the race.
The kids had a great time celebrating when they were done.
The parents did, too!

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