Thursday, September 13, 2018

Camp 2018 - Water Fun

Something else that's traditional at Camp? Water fun. This year, Olivia was old enough to learn to drive the boat. She took to it like a duck to water. She wasn't ready for any solo outings, but she handled it like a champ. If our electric motor hadn't completely died on us, she would have had the freedom to take that out when she wanted. 
It's not just about boats, though. We brought with us a number of tubes for the kids to play with and they sure did make use of them. I don't think they spent more than 2 hours a day out of the lake!

One thing we did pick up was a tube to pull behind the boat.
Unfortunately, our motor isn't the best for pulling, so the only ones who got any good speed were the littles.

The boys were a little heavier, so it struggled to pull them at a good speed unless they were up on the tube itself, not sitting inside the netting.

Poor Olivia struggled the hardest to get a good ride. Maybe next time, we can see about borrowing a bigger boat for the time we're there.
On the quieter side, the kayak we borrowed was great for quite paddles at dusk. Rebecca also had her paddleboard with us, so the dock was a veritable flotilla of watercraft!

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