Saturday, September 15, 2018

Camp 2018 - Sunrises, Moonrises, and Other Light Shows

If there's one thing that camp is good for (and believe me, it's not the only thing!) it's gorgeous sunrises.
It's so hard not get up every morning at 5am just for the spectacular show that gets put on. 
Each one is a little different. Some are so foggy that you can't see the sun at all.
And some are so picture-perfect they don't seem real.
Sometimes, though, the moon gets jealous and has to steal some of the sun's thunder.

Even the clouds get into the act some days, looking like something out of a painting.
And then, if we're lucky, we're there when the town of Long Lake has a fireworks show and dazzles us from miles away.
You can't tell from the pictures, but the fireworks we can see from the dock are almost 3 miles away in a straight line and so we don't hear the booms of them until almost 12 seconds have passed!
It's only a quirk of the geography that even allows us to see the fireworks at all.
If the Camp were a quarter mile to the left or right or if they launched the fireworks from a spot that same distance to either side, we wouldn't see them because of the mountains.

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