Monday, April 9, 2018

Ezra's Collarbone

Rebecca's not the only one to have a mishap this spring...

 Ezra was riding his rocking horse in an... let's say, enthusiastic manner and went flipping over it and landed badly on the floor. He complained about it really hurting, but we figured it was probably just a bad bruise because we couldn't feel anything out of place. The night went by and he was still in pain the next morning, so we took him to the orthopedic urgent care, where they diagnosed a greenstick fracture of his left collarbone. 

 Ezra was remarkably relaxed and calm while the techs and doc looked at him, asked him questions, and got him fitted with the hardware he needed. 
 So now Mom and Son have matching slings... 

Ezra was sent home with strict instructions that he was to keep the sling on and not use that arm for a few weeks. Not surprisingly, it was only a matter of a day or two before we caught him out on the tire swing swinging one-handed! 
 Just like Rebecca, we took him over to Greensboro Orthopedics to have them take a look. Dr Gramig and his PA Brian were fantastic with Ezra and when they joked that his sling had the name of a competitor on it we made a new label to go on it for the next time he went to see them. Ezra particularly liked going because he got a lollipop every time he went, but he didn't just take one, but was super sweet and always grabbed enough to share with the rest of his siblings!

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