Wednesday, April 11, 2018

AHG Glam Night

The girls' American Heritage Girls troop does a themed evening every month or so called a Glam Night. These are nights that they have all the various age levels together learning about something specific. This particular one was about Pet Care. The girls were asked to bring a stuffed animal and a box with them for the event, along with an item to donate to the local animal shelter, like food, pet shampoo, pet toys, etc. 
At the event, two stations were set up. The first was an animal hospital where they learned to splint and bandage their pet's wounds.

 The second was a place to decorate their boxes as houses for their pets. 
 It was chaotic and crazy, but a lot of fun for them. They had a great time.
What's probably most impressive is that the whole event was planned and organized by a single girl as a requirement for her advancement to the next level in AHG. It's really amazing to think that these young girls are learning to do things like this and succeeding in such spectacular fashion. 

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