Monday, March 12, 2018

Trail Life Pinewood Derby and AHG Luncheon

A big part of their respective years are the fundraisers that AHG and Trail Life hold. These fundraisers help reduce the costs for registration and events like cookouts and camping trips. For Trail Life, they hold a big Pinewood Derby race and invite other troops to join us for a full day of racing, food and fun. 
Our troop owns a rally nice, metal track with electronic timing that's accurate own to 1/10,000th of a second! There's no debating who wins, no matter how close it looks.  
We had never done one of these before, so it was a new adventure for us. The boys designed their cars and then we sanded and painted them, adding some weight to make them as heavy as the rules allow.
Gabe's is on the left and is supposed to be a shark and Ezra's is on the right.

After some fine tuning and a few tests, it was time to see how they matched up with the rest of the guys. We had about 130 cars entered into the race from 4 regional troops. 

Unfortunately, there's still a lot for us to learn when it comes to making the cars faster, but we have a whole year to figure it out! From a fundraising perspective, the event was a big success.

For the American Heritage Girls fundraiser, they hold a big luncheon at our host church. They served meals and sold baked goods. The girls decorated placemats for the tables and helped cook and serve the food.
 Olivia helped prepare salads and then worked a food serving station for a couple of hours.
Emma helped run the bake sale, though she was rather sad when she found out she couldn't eat any of it. 

As with the boys, the AHG fundraiser was a huge success all around, so it was a job well done!

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