Monday, March 19, 2018

Rebecca's Slip and Fall

The weather was a bit sketchy last week, so I thought it would be smart to drive Rebecca to work rather than risk an accident. The next morning, there was a touch of ice here and there, but noting major. I went and picked her up at work and brought her home. On the way, we laughed together at a story she told me about a doctor that wore funny boots rather than doing anything about the ice in his driveway. What happened next was certainly a prime example of irony...

While only 15 feet from the door and mere inches from the car, Rebecca stepped out onto an icy patch in the driveway (which I may or may not have inadvertently parked her on since I was driving, but you weren't there and you can't prove a thing!) and promptly slipped and fell, hitting her arm on the way down. 

I was getting out on the driver's side of the car and turned around and she was just GONE! Then I heard a whimper. When I went around, she was sitting on the ground cradling her left arm in obvious agony. I helped her inside and got her upstairs and into bed. I thought almost immediately that we needed to go get the wrist x-rayed, but she thought just icing it would help, so that's what we did. 
It wasn't much more than an hour before we realized that I was right to begin with and she need to go to an urgent care to be checked out. Sure enough...
She had broken the head of her radius.
 The folks at the urgent care mummied her up and referred us to an orthopedist who looked at it the next day. Dr. Gramig at Greensboro Orthopaedics took a look at the x-rays and said she really needed to have surgery to ensure proper healing. Rebecca's hands are critical to her job, so we agreed that she should have the surgery the very next day. 
 When she was done, this is what it looked like inside. 
 A bit Terminator-ish... a permanent titanium plate and screws holding it all together. Life will be interesting for the next 12 weeks... for the time being, she can't do much of anything. I have to help her tie her shoes, shower, dress... 
Oh, and if you are ever in need of a Hulk-sized arm shower protector, CVS has you covered. they label it as "Adult", but I don't know that they can really say that "one size fits all"....

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