Monday, January 15, 2018

Neighborhood Cleanup - Olivia's AHG Service

As Part of American Heritage Girls, Olivia has to fulfill requirements for various badges and do 15 hours of community service each year. One of the requirements of her Caring for the Environment badge was to organize a neighborhood cleanup. 
Our neighborhood is a little too big to do a full neighborhood cleanup, so instead we cleaned up all the public area around our block, which is a pretty significant area. Olivia made up flyers and distributed them to all the neighbors, but sadly, nobody else made it.
  That didn't stop us, though. We went out for an hour and a half and cleaned up the park areas and along the creeks and roads. Everybody did such a great job!
In the end, we filled 3 full trash bags plus some random things like a pilates ball, a campaign sign and a really nasty couch cushion that had been thrown in the creek. 

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