Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Happy Birthday, Emma!

Our sweet girl Emma turned 6! 
With everything we have on our plates, we didn't plan a party for her this time, but all she asked for was a colorful cake. :) She originally said a tie-dye cake, but I wasn't sure I could make it work. Instead, Rebecca sent me a link to a YouTube video that showed how to make a watercolor cake.
 Turns out that wasn't so hard. :) She loved it, for which I'm very happy. 
 Her highlight of the day was getting to walk through Party City and pick out a big balloon. We did have an eye doctor's appointment that morning which we told her was just for her special day, but she didn't think that was really a party, even though it's quite an event for all of us to take over the doctor's office for an hour. :)

The thing she's most excited about is that she now gets to go to the "big kids'" class at church, which is for 6-10 year olds. 

We're proud of our little girl and can't wait to see what the next year has in store for her (and us!)

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