Wednesday, July 5, 2017

July 4th

This year, we wanted to see some big, professional fireworks, but still wanted to go to our friends' farm in Pleasant Garden like we've done for the past couple of years. So we compromised and went to a Greensboro Grasshoppers game on July 3rd so we could teach the kids about baseball and get to see the fireworks after the game.
 They had a lot of fun cheering for the Hoppers, who beat the Asheville Tourists pretty handily, 12-4. There were some tense moments early when the Tourists hit 3-straight home runs, but the Hoppers had a 9-run 6th inning to put the Tourists away for good.
 We were sitting in the second row along the first base line, which happened to be where the pitchers for the Tourists sat along the wall. This allowed Emma and Irene to get up close and see the players.
 Emma spotted the little knob-thing on top of their hats and kept reaching over to poke it on a player's head until the usher came down to send them back to their seats. The Tourist player never even looked up at who was poking him. :)
 One convenience of sitting in the section we did was that we were close to the playground for when the kids got a little bored with the game. 
 At the end of the evening, it started to rain, and while it was heavy enough that I didn't want to pull the camera out, it wasn't heavy enough for them to stop the fireworks. It was a big, non-stop display that was practically right over our heads. The kids all loved it!
They've asked if we can make the baseball game a family tradition from now on. We'll have to see... :)

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