Monday, June 19, 2017

Camping with Nana and Pop-pop

Nana and Pop-pop came through town for a couple of weeks on their way north from Florida as they went on their yearly Summer Tour and we thought it would be fun to stay a few days with them at the Oak Hollow Campground in High Point where they parked their RV. It was also about 20 yards from the edge of Oak Hollow Lake, which made for pretty views.
 The sites we got was pretty, flat and right across from N&P's RV, so we could just walk over whenever we wanted to hang out. We ate together, played games, and just sat and talked. I wish Ihad pulled the camera out for the games of Sorry that were played! :/

 Despite my kids' love of technology, this was actually a rare sight that week. It just happened to be a good shot of all of them together...
 The sunrise on the lake was gorgeous!
 Mealtimes were always fun.
 We had some visitors who kept hanging around looking for anything the kids were dropping. I couldn't believe it when this little girl waddled right under the table as they were eating! Of course, I told the kids to not give anything to the ducks because it's not good for them.
 The campsite had a nearby playground that kept the kids busy in the middle of the day.
 It also had a pool that was helpful on one of the blazing hot days we spent there. It actually turned out to be the hottest and sunniest day, with the others being kinda cloudy.

I'm sure you've noticed that, except for the pool, Olivia's not here... She and Rebecca left after the first night to go on a retreat for the Bar and Bat Mitzvah students from our community to have those special Mother/Daughter conversations. I'll have to have those same conversations with Gabe and Ezra in the coming years... hoo boy.

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