Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Our Littlest Little is 4!!!

Can you believe she's 4?!? She's growing up so fast, it's amazing. In the weeks leading up to her birthday, I asked her over and over what she wanted on her cake. At first, it was a butterfly, then a flower with a butterfly and finally, in her usual random spirit, she wanted a dolphin! Once she hit on that idea, she wouldn't let it go.
So, the morning of, Rebecca went and got her a big dolphin balloon. She squealed loud enough to hurt all our ears. :) Since we were having a party for Olivia and Ezra the next day, we decided to keep things low-key for hers and celebrated it with our friends in Yanceyville when we went up there that afternoon. 

I brought along the cake I had made and we all sang to her and made a big deal for her. :) I'm so looking forward to what Irene's got in store for us this year. Hopefully, it will involve using the potty...

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