Friday, May 26, 2017

Olivia and Ezra's Shared Birthday!

Because both Olivia and Ezra wanted the same kind of party, we decided to combine them both and have a big one at Skateland. They each got to invite 7 friends for cake and almost 3 hours of skating.
Ezra turned 7 this year. He's become such an expressive young man. It's hard for him to contain his emotions and his energy most of the time and so he's very passionate about things. He gets upset easily when things don't go the way he thought they would, but he's quick to find something else to be happy about.
Olivia is 12 (going on 15...) and is turning into quite a young woman. She's very smart, loves to laugh and goes back and forth between wanting her space from the other kids and being very helpful with them.
For Ezra, I made him a chocolate cake with a turtle on it. He's recently become fascinated by turtles, so he was really happy when he saw it. Olivia requested a "funfetti" cake that had sprinkles in it and I decorated it with a roller skate.

The bigs had each gotten a set of skates last Hanukkah, so they were able to put them to good use.
We rented Emma some skates and she bravely ventured out, too.
Even Rebecca and I tried our hands at it.
 I realized that it had been 30 years since I'd been on skates! And it showed... it's a wonder I didn't hurt myself. :)
Fortunately, we had Olivia there to help us along and stay upright for most of the night. It was a ton of fun and hopefully, we can go again soon.

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