Thursday, December 24, 2015

Hanukkah Giving

This year, we didn't want Hanukkah to be just about the things they got or got to do, so we came up with a couple of service projects for them to bless others.
 We spent an afternoon baking sugar cookies
 and decorating them.
 Then we went around to our neighbors delivering plates of cookies to each of them!

 They were all so appreciative and the kids really enjoyed giving them out.
 Then, on another day, the kids got to deliver Hanukkah Care Packages to some elderly people in their homes and a nursing home. The bags had great things like warm socks, lotion, toiletries, some snacks and other treats.
 The people were so thankful to have visitors
 and the kids were very generous with their hugs. :)

 Part of the visits involved singing songs to them. It was fun to see everyone get into singing and clapping along. 

It was a wonderful way to spend a couple of hours serving others. 

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