Monday, December 21, 2015

Hanukkah 2015

If you ask the kids their favorite holiday, without question they will tell you Hanukkah! It's always a fun time when we get to do a lot of fun things together. While it's not a true Biblical holiday, we know that Yeshua celebrated it, so we do to. They love to hear the story of the Maccabees and their rebellion against the Greeks. It's such a powerful story of faith in the face of overwhelming odds. We talked a lot about how we see Messiah in this festival, just like we see Him in the Biblical feasts and festivals.

 This year we built a pool noodle hanukkiah in the front yard to "light" each night.
  The kids ate a meal in a "cave" under the kitchen table and chairs like the Maccabees did.
 They had a Minion Movie Night. :) We even got them some Minion mac and cheese for dinner. 
 Lighting the hanukkiah each night was a thrill for them. 
 One evening, we drove them through the neighborhood lights. It's always so pretty.
 We had latkes and applesauce, of course, and went for doughnuts at Donut World! 
 We held a Lego Challenge and asked them each to build a hanukkiah from Legos. From left to right: Ezra, Gabe and Olivia. Pretty impressive. :)
Olivia made some dreidels out of Perler beads.
 Olivia spent most of an afternoon making a paper chain hanukkiah to put on the wall.
 They did some block printing and made a flag banner to put up in the dining room.
Their handiwork on display. :)
Happy Hanukkah!

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