Saturday, August 2, 2014

Colorado 2014 - A Visit with Ruth and Dick

Last year, we were blessed to spend a day with our good friends Ruth and Dick at their apartment and pool. When the kids found out we were going back to Colorado this year, it was one of the first things they asked about: "Are we going to see Mister Dick and Miss Ruth?" They were very happy to hear that we were.

 Thius just happened to be the hottest day Denver had had so far this summer at 98 degrees. 

But, amazingly, it actually felt really cold when the kids got out of the pool. Gotta love Colorado's low humidity!

 Irene was having a good time pulling up and standing on the chair.

 She looks like such a big girl! Now if she would actually crawl and pull up on things at home...
Ruth and Dick got a new dog, Bailey, who just loved the kids and the kids loved her. :)

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