Monday, August 4, 2014

Colorado 2014 - Castlewood Canyon

Of course, we had to go back to do the other side of Castlewood Canyon this year. It's such a great hike. Such beautiful views and a great way to tire the kids out! 
 Once more, we brought the Deering/Ginsberg clan with us and they loved it.
 The walk in is so pretty with great views of Pikes Peak...

 ...and Devil's Head (which we didn't do this year.)
Not surprisingly, the kids went all over the rocks. 

 While the adults moseyed (I had to look up that spelling) on down the trail.
 The rock formations in the canyon are just spectacular.

 Have I mentioned enough how beautiful the wildflowers were this year? I think so...

We couldn't have asked for a more beautiful day!

That afternoon, we took the kids out to the pool at Lifetime Fitness.

If you're going to be in Denver for a week or two, I would highly recommend getting a temporary pass to Lifetime. They charge $40 for the whole family for a week and, if you push them a little, they'll extend it to two weeks. Due to some really heavy activity on the day we went to get our pass, the sales guy gave it to us for free!

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