Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy Holidays, Part 2 - The Sarines

The day after Christmas, we went to my mom and dad's house in Summerfield. Every time we pull into their neighborhood the kids all scream "NANA AND POP-POP'S!!!" We got to have brunch with them, as well as Greg and Morgan and their beautiful new baby, Rooney.

Nana and Pop-pop roughhousing with Gabe
Ezra getting in on the action
Ezra loves trains, so this was a special treat for him.
Emma being her usual happy self.
My parents gave each of their children a 3D maze that you had to solve to get your gift. It took me a while, but once I did it, Olivia and Gabe wanted to try their hands at it.
Gabe playing with his rubber band paddle boat in the tub.
Nana feeding the little one.

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