Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy Holidays, Part1 - The Baldwins

This year we got to spend time with family on all sides. We started off with a visit from Rebecca's mom and dad. The kids are always excited when they visit and this was no exception. 

Grandpa reading to the boys
Not surprisingly, one of their favorite things was a box big enough to hide each of them in.

Both Gabe and Ezra got Tee Ball sets. Gabe went nuts every time he hit the ball. He would throw the bat up over his head and go running after the ball.
The next day, we went to visit with Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa Baldwin in Kannapolis. We also got to see Aunt Bethany, Uncle Phil and Aunt Kelly, as well. 

Aunt Kelly made the kids go on a scavenger hunt for their gifts. She hid puzzle pieces all around the house and made the kids go find them to put it together. Unfortunately, even with the help of the adults, the kids couldn't find all the pieces. Fortunately, we did find enough to figure out the clue.

We had a wonderful time visiting with everyone and can't wait for the next time!

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