Monday, December 10, 2012


Family gatherings are always a fun and chaotic time, especially now that there are so many of us! This Thanksgiving was no different. Everyone came to Greensboro for the holiday and all the grandkids had a wonderful time with their cousins, aunts and uncles. Much food and drink was consumed and two turkeys gave their lives to satisfy this hungry bunch.
The whole clan. 
Ezra watching TV with uncle Jeff.
Emma sharing a laugh with silly Uncle Rudy.
Rudy and his son, Max
Aunt Vicky bought each of the kids matching pajamas.
a "turkey" sandwich that the kids had for lunch one day.

Stroller races in the driveway with Olivia pushing Vivi and Kira pushing Max.
Ezra and Uncle Rudy

Funny story about this picture: Mom and dad set the picture up so each of the grandchildren had a number in the order that they were born. They gave number 9 to Morgan for little Rooney who is due around New Year's Day. We hadn't told anyone that we were pregnant, so we didn't have a number. I pulled up a "10" on my iPad and told Rebecca to jump into the picture, thinking we would surprise everyone. Well, everyone went crazy, but not for the reason we thought... It turns out they had guessed it, possibly before we found out for sure! They had all taken bets on the due date! Jeff won the pot with May 27th.

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