Thursday, December 13, 2012

Swim Lessons

A few months ago, Rebecca bought a Groupon for swim lessons through Star Aquatics and we finally got around to signing Gabe and Olivia up. Olivia has had lessons in the past but needed some encouragement overcoming her fear of deeper water. Gabe has never had a lesson, so this was a first for him.

Gabe was fearless. He did very well. he was ready and willing to plunge his face in and blow bubbles when the teacher asked him.
We trusted her enough that he floated on his back and kicked his feet with no struggling or panicking.
Olivia did marvelously well, too.
She never once panicked or cried when her teacher had her kick out into the deep end of the pool. She even swam across to the 10-foot end without help!
 We are proud of both of them for doing so well and overcoming their fears. The instructors at Star Aquatics were wonderful and patient with each of them.

1 comment:

  1. I was just thinking today I need to get the kids in for lessons there. I wish I'd seen the groupon!
