Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Happy 7th Birthday Olivia

You are beautiful! You are precious! You are loved! Today is your day! Our lives was changed in such an amazing and wonderful way 7 years ago! You are a gift from the Lord and we couldn't be more thankful for you! You are funny, full of whimsy, smart, creative, thoughtful and compassionate! And there really aren't words for the love we have for you, my dear daughter! :)

Added Later in the Day:
The day was full of fun. I let her pick the acitivities for the day (just things around the house like games, reading books, getting her back tickled, free play, watching cupcake wars and Strawberry Shortcake, reading books, and computer games; the latter two being things she doesn't get to do regularily). We probably sang Happy Birthday about 7-10 times. :) Mostly at her request. She talked to various people on the phone/skype and we had some special visitors. I think it was a good, blessed day for her. We ended the day with some Strawberry Shortcake (ours had chocolate chips thrown in and i used angel food cake instead of traditional shortcakes because that is what she would like best i thought). That is the face she makes when she thinks something is yummy. :)

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