Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Enjoying An Early Spring

Yes, we picked our first strawberries already. They were small but yummy. Thanks to my dad for helping with this outing. It was a lot of fun. We had a lesson in the car on the way there: "What color strawberries do you pick? Red? YES. Green or white? NO. Altogether now, "We pick RED strawberries." And I must say that Gabe did well. Ezra did pretty good himself. He pretty much just ate what he could put his hands on but seemed to go for the right ones. Olivia is actually productively picking these days which is nice. :)

Such wonderful sunshine and joy comes from my sweet girl!

I really enjoy taking walks. I think the kids do too. The boys only ride in the stroller part of the time now. They spend a lot of time exploring the surroundings and collecting things. Olivia does that too. Emma just rides along still but she is definitely taking in her surroundings more and more. :)

Some fun with Cousin Kira. The boys are getting rides in "cars". Gotta love these ottomans. Um, I guess Olivia doesn't think traffic is moving as fast as she would like... When I asked Olivia, she said she didn't remember. She said, "I guess I was just waiting." :)

The swing the kids are each on in these pictures was made for me by my grandfather (dad's dad) when I was around Gabe's age I believe.  Grandpa is in the swing behind. No mistaking the family resemblance, especially between Gabe and grandpa, huh? :) We stopped to visit with my grandparents (dad's side) on our way to and from my parent's home. They live just about half way. It is wonderful to visit with them. I haven't managed to get any pictures and that bums me out. But we are making some sweet memories. My kids love to play at their house. And they graciously welcome us, even with the chaos of 4 young kids. Grandma loves holding Emma and my grandfather still gets on the floor to play with the kids. My Grandma commented several times how much Gabe reminds her of my dad when he was young, both in personality and looks.

 Emma is sleeping in the cradle that was mine when I was little.

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