Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Spring is Near!

Olivia throwing the frisbee. This was a bit of an issue to begin with, since Sarah thought it was great fun to pick the frisbee up and run away with it...
Well, it's almost springtime and we had a beautiful couple of days this week. Saturday was so nice that Gabe and Olivia spent most of the day outside, running around in the backyard, throwing the frisbee, having a picnic lunch, and exploring along the fence. They stopped and chatted with our neighbor, Mark, who was busy trying to do some cleanup in his yard. I'm not sure how much work he managed to get done with Olivia constantly asking him questions. :)

Gabe foraging around the fence looking for sticks...as if there weren't enough already in the yard! :)
This is the time of year I love and wish that it could be weather like this all year round!
Olivia complained that the sun was too bright and so she needed her sunglasses.

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