Thursday, March 24, 2011

Hiding God's Word in our Hearts, Ps 119:11

The Bible is the most amazing book. It is God's living and active word to us. When we face life, we should face it standing on the word, holding the word, and speaking the word. I do not find memorizing bible verses to be an easy task. But I certainly know how much they come in handy. When my thoughts are spiraling a certain way, speaking and praying bible verses is the most powerful thing I can do. When I am walking through my day and need guidance, the words of God are invaluable.
In my parenting and homeschool journey I have found that children have an amazing capacity for memorization. One thing that is a priority in our home is to have Olivia (and our other children as they become able to) memorize scripture. In the process I have also begun to put a lot of God's word in my heart. Starting about 2 years ago, I had Olivia memorize a bible verse for each of the letters of the alphabet. We continue to add to the list of bible verses. About a year ago, we added the questions and answers of the Children's Catechism from this book. We have also added some character definitions and hebrew names of God to our list of memory work.

We use a notecard box with section tabs to organize our memory work. I got the idea from the Simply Charlotte Mason scripture memory system  and also saw something very similar blogged about at Raising Olives. I like this system a lot. It is manageable. The box sits on our dining table and we do it most every morning at breakfast. There is a tab for daily, even, odd, a tab each for Sun-Sat, and tabs #1-31. So tomorrow we will do the cards in the daily section, the odd, Friday, and the #25 sections.

Ignore the card in the front. That was our orginal bible verse for the letter H. Now we have memorized almost all of the Ten Commandments from Exodus 20. I put it in the front to throw it out. I guess I forgot. ;)

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