Tuesday, March 1, 2011

9 Months

Ezra is unlike our other two children...

Gabe and Olivia were both curious at this age, getting into cabinets, playing with anything they can get their hands on, etc. Ezra, however, is not just curious...he's determined. When he sees something, nothing else will satisfy him. He must go get it and will twist and squirm and struggle until he is free to do so. And once he's got it, heaven help the one who has to remove it from his grasp. It's easier to break iron. He's fearless when it comes to loud noises. Olivia and Gabe had to be in a different room from the vacuum, blender, and food processor. Ezra? No...he literally chased me from room to room as I vacuumed. He wanted to touch it and see what it was doing. I get the feeling we're going to have to babyproof in a way that we never had to with the others....


  1. Sounds like you are in for quite a ride!!

  2. love him (and all of my nieces/nephews). So cute and adventurous! Camp will be so much fun :)
