Monday, February 28, 2011

There Is No Question (period)

God is good. Everything about him is good. He sees the beginning from the ending. I have no need to question. I can rest. I can be content. There is no better answer than God. And I am not alone. Every moment, in everything, there is a glimpse of God. He is always at work. He never sleeps. As I watch him work and work with Him, I can know Him better. I repent of my sin of ingratitude. I am nothing but grateful to this amazing God who is nothing but good. And who shows himself to me all the time. (#91-137 of the Thousand, Endless Gifts)

*making dinner together
*"hug me again"
*"will you pray for me?"
*an afternoon with no plans
*working weekends/nights, a flexible career as a nurse, my second job
*being united as a team
*smiling boys in the morning
*all the little games they play together
*integrated learning, little connections
*bowing down
*dance as an offering
*class ending early
*wind blows, wind dies down
*brillant blue skies, heavy  clouds, rushing across the sky
*a lasting friendship
*being loved on by God
*my home
*not having to worry
*slowing down
*a mom and daughter morning
*family support
*little voices
*a million questions :)
*my health
*little laughter
*when he gets home early
*the boys in one room together and lovin' it, playing quietly/contently in the morning
*a little more room in our room
*that God is big enough to help others out when I am at a loss
*the first star
*blueberry pancakes (at home, any meal, made by loving hands)
*the shadow of the cross
*little fists, little fingers
*studying Isaiah
*the names of God
*now, resting, knowing
*of Him, through Him, to Him--glory
*in Him I live, and move, and have my being
*obedience, lessons learned (and sometimes learned again)
*getting out of bed each day

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