Thursday, July 1, 2010

Our New Name

Hey all,

You may have noticed that our blog name has changed. We decided that just having our names and continuing to add children's names to it might become somewhat long-winded and really wasn't very imaginative. As we debated changing it, Rebecca asked a friend of her for some ideas and her friend suggested the "thoroughly" part. So then it was "Thoroughly" What? We went through "Thoroughly Sarine" and "Throughly Family" and maybe one or two others, but nothing really described us in terms that everyone can relate to. I kept thinking back to what the blog is about, which is our children and how much we are blessed by them and it came to me: Thoroughly Blessed. It's as complete a name as there every can be for us. We are blessed with wonderful children, loving families and great friends.

We hope that by sharing our blessings, all who read about them will be blessed as well.


  1. Hey Rebecca! I hadn't seen your blog in a while. Love the new look (and name)! Enjoyed catching up on your family & happenings. You definitely are blessed :)
