Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Ezra's Birth Announcement

Back when Ezra was born, we debated about sending out a traditional birth announcement, like we did with Olivia and Gabriel. Well, I argued that we technically already did when I "live" blogged the delivery and posted all the pertinent info within 10 minutes of his birth. Rebecca still wanted to do a nice picture to show everyone, so we took this one:

(notice the #3 on his arm :)

For anyone who may have missed it, here's Ezra's birth stats

Ezra Joel Sarine
May 22nd, 2010 4:11pm EST
Weight: 7lbs 9oz
Length: 20 3/4 inches

1 comment:

  1. sweeeet picture! can't wait to meet him and introduce him to Isaac at Thanksgiving! :)
