Sunday, November 3, 2019

Homeschool XC Nationals 2019 - The Hermitage, Nashville, TN

Our first trip to the Homeschool XC Nationals! We drove 7 hours to Nashville, TN to run in the races, but first we got the opportunity to tour The Hermitage, the home of President Andrew Jackson. The grounds and buildings are beautiful! 

Slave quarters. At its peak, there were nearly 150 enslaved people working on the plantation here. There was a former slave who stayed on after being freed following the Civil War, acting a tour guide on the grounds until 1901.
We also got to see really fun presentation about dueling, which was popular in AJ's time.

The next morning dawned incredibly cold and foggy....

Furtunately, by the time the boys' race was starting, things had cleared up and gotten at least a bit warmer.

They both ran hard and did great! 

Olivia's race was great, too! Really proud of all the kids for working so hard!

Of course, the best part of the trip was getting to see our cousins, Max and Vivi!

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