Monday, June 24, 2019

Camp Mashiach 2019

Camp Mashiach is a weeklong summer camp for Messianic teens and youth. Rebecca has been the camp nurse there for the last couple of years, but this was my first time going. 

This year, they moved from their previous location in Tennessee to a retreat center outside Cherokee, NC. Apparently, though there are hills, they're nothign like the last place. 

The kids had such a great time playing games, doing devotions, worshiping, and taking part in various activities together.
There were various theme nights where the kids dressed up in silly outfits.

This year, the boys got to come along and participate in the wolf cub group. they learned all kinds of neat survival skills.

Even the parents got in on the action!

It was so great for the kids to get to spend time with other kids who share their faith in Yeshua and in keeping the Torah. Looking forward to next year!

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