Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Trail Life Awards

The boys had their Trail Life awards ceremony last night. 
Ezra finished up his second year in the Hawk Patrol and managed to earn all of his branch pins and stars! He now moves up to join Gabe in the Mountain Lions.
While Gabe has already done two years in the Mountain Lions he technically is too young to start the Navigators, which is the middle school group. When we started Trail Life, we weren't quite sure which patrol he should be in, so we put him in Mountain Lions. Unfortunately, we figured out after the first year that he shoudl have done a year in the Hawks first. What does this mean? Well, he's going to do another year of Mountain Lions. It will give him a chance to earn the last couple of branches and stars that he didn't quite get to this year and better prepare him for the additional work of the Navigators.
Great job, boys! We're proud of you!

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