Wednesday, May 22, 2019

AHG Awards Ceremony

It's hard to believe another year of AHG has gone by!

 It was Irene's first year, so she was with the Pathfinders. 
Once she had completed all the requirements, which included stuff like memorizing the AHG Oath and Creed, saying the Pledge of Allegiance, and memorizing several Bible verses, she was eligible to move up to the Tenderhearts.
 She got her Tenderheart vest and a new bag to keep her AHG handbook in.
 Emma completed her first year as a Tenderheart, earning a couple of badges and service stars. 
Olivia finished up her second year as a Pioneer and has moved up to be a Patriot, the highest level in AHG. She worked really hard this year, earning a lot of badges and finishing the year with over 100 hours of community service, enough to get the Gold Presidential Award!
We are so proud of our girls and the hard work they put in. It's great that they enjoy it so much!

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