Thursday, May 16, 2019

Epic Hanging Rock Hike

While the big kids were away at MTYC, Rebecca and I took the littles on a hike in Hanging Rock State Park. 

There's a trail that going past two waterfalls, Hidden Falls and Window Falls. The trial keeps going after that, and since the hike to the falls was fairly short, we decided to keep going to see where it led. Little did we know...

 Of course the falls were gorgeous. 
There were lots of creeks to cross, so Rebecca and I would pop our shoes and socks off, load a little on our backs and carry them across. 

Along the way, we found several spots where there were dozens of little blue butterflies all gathered together. Not sure if they were getting water or just resting, but they were pretty.
 Eventually we reached the end of the trail: The Dan River. Unfortunately, there was only one way back... the way we came. 
 So off we went. 
  The girls kept up good spirits throughout the hike, not complaining at all.
 Fortunately, there were some places to rest.
 Eventually, we crossed all the creeks again and got close to the end. I ran on ahead to get the car started and be ready to load the kiddos while they rested a few more times before climbing the long set of steps back up.

 Our strong girls! Still happy, even at the end.

 My phone died just before I made it back, but it was a total of 9 miles that those girls hiked! 
 No wonder they were so exhausted on the ride home...
But they certainly woke up quickly enough when we stopped to get froyo! 

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