Friday, November 30, 2018

Thanksgiving 2018

This year, we celebrated Thanksgiving in Nashville, TN with Aunt DD and Uncle Rudy, Max and Vivi, and Nana and Pop-pop. We had so much fun! DD worked out a deal with one of their neighbors for us to stay at their huge old house in East Nashville in exchange for looking after their Golden Retriever for the weekend. The house was very cool, in an old neighborhood similar to Lindley Park, just with bigger houses. There was plenty of room for us and the dog was very nice. Since the family has a young child, the girls posed no threat to him at all. 
We spent as much time together as we could over the 4 days we were there. Thanksgiving dinner was amazing, of course. And the kids didn't complain a bit about the food!
 Goofing around with cousins is always a blast.
We took walks to an amazing coffee shop not too far away and a very cool park/playground up the street.
 The best, however, was going down to a park called Shelby Bottoms that runs along the Cumberland River that snakes its way through Nashville. 
We went for a nice walk along the shore and around the park. 
But the kids were thrilled to get back to the big play area that was near the parking lot. 

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