Saturday, September 8, 2018

First Day of "School"

It's Fall and so it's time for the kids to start back at EMMA Classes, their Friday co-op. This year, Irene joins the fun as she's finally able to start some schoolwork. It's pretty much art and music at this point, but that doesn't matter to her! She just wants to be part of the fun.

Olivia's starting to prepare for her high school career with Math Review, Intermediate Spanish, Public Speaking/Debate, and Literature and Writing. 

The boys are in most of the same classes, like history, Beginning Spanish, and music. They are taking different art classes this year, tho. One new one they're doing, though at different times, is LEGO Robotics. They are super excited!!!

Emma is moving up from the simple stuff she did last year to take on new things like Historical Heroes, Science, Art, Music and PE.

Even though it's only one day a week, they absolutely love the classes and the other kids they get to see each week.

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